CHAPTER-1-SG-Y-1-S-1-D-10 (SUMMER)    

      Eli and Ami Jankowsky were both up so early on that Tuesday morning in mid summer that it was still dark out when they first got up for the day.Ami went to Garden House while Eli was headed for Garden Market to get ready to work in the garden.They both ended up using the washrooms and eating breakfast while they were waiting for daylight so they could work in the gardens.

     Ami started working in the gardens behind Garden House while Eli was working at Garden Market trying to get produce harvested for sale to earn enough cash to get more built on their house later on that evening.They were interested in getting the building done on their house before winter arrived and it got too cold and snowy to build anything.They'd be waiting for spring if their house wasn't done enough to provide them some shelter from the winter.

    Ami started with the fruit trees and found the money tree was ready for harvest which was a big help to them.They'd be able to have more work done on the house and still have money left over to put into savings for emergencies.They wanted to make sure they would have enough saved up when they were ready to start a family that they didn't even need to worry about how they'd be paying for everything their children would need.

     Eli was busy working on the gardens at Garden Market for most of the day while Ami had also been busy and she'd also had to harvest the money tree there.They wanted to make sure they were earning everything they possibly could each day.They both knew it was getting late in the season and didn't want to be still camping out in tents or sleeping bags as fall arrived with colder wet weather.It would be followed by winter which was very cold and came with snow and lots of violent storms most of the time.

    Ami was working at Garden House while Eli was at Garden Market and he was also very busy with harvesting produce for sale at the grocery store later.They both kept their work up until it was evening and time to get ready for bed.They had sold the produce and eaten dinner before using the washrooms and it was dark by the time they were done.

     They got home and had to build more on their house before they could get into their tent and get to sleep for the night.It was 8PM when they went to bed and they were getting anxious to get the house built before fall arrived and it was already late summer.


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