CHAPTER-1-SG-Y-1-S-1-D-2 (SUMMER)     

    Eli and Ami Jankowsky woke up fairly early on that Monday morning which was also their second day of actually living in Evermore Falls,Maine as residents.They planned on spending the day studying at the library in town and had gone to Garden House to get ready since it was the closest to their lot.
    They got to work and started to spend time studying skills like gardening and fishing on their iPads and the computers.Ami was using his own computer while Eli just used a library computer instead of using her own because it got in the way of her using her own computer.It was what they ended up spending their time on because they were both learning gardening on their iPads and still needed to learn about fishing which had to be done on the computers if they were to learn it at all.
     Ami was having to use the table in the kitchen area where there was no computer provided and was left using his laptop since it was the only computer he could use at the time.His iPad was tied up with teaching him about gardening so he had to study fishing on the computer while he was learning the other skill.
     They'd been studying for hours when they finally noticed it was beginning to get quite late and it was already 5PM and they didn't want to be out all night.It was time to ask about getting a library closer to their home since the current one was so far away from where they actually lived that it was a day's outing to go there just to study.They got ready to head over to Garden Market after quitting the studies because it was getting late.They arrived at Garden Market and used washrooms and had juice boxes.
     They ended up leaving Garden Market soon after drinking the juice boxes and using the washrooms to get back home and arrived there at about 7:30 in the evening.The trash bin was overturned and there was trash all over the place.They got the bin picked up and started cleaning the trash up since the mess had been made by a raccoon on their lot earlier.They were making sure it was clean before getting into their sleeping bags and getting to sleep for the night because the wanted it clean.
    They didn't get into their sleeping bags until about 8:30 in the evening that night because of the outing being to the library.


1 comment:

  1. Nice story going here, Tad. All the best to the young Sims as they start out life, together in Evermore Falls. Will read more when I get a chance.
