CHAPTER-1-SG-Y-1-S-1-D-4 (SUMMER) 

     Eli and Ami Jankowsky were both up so early in the morning after that full moon night that it was actually still dark out as they were getting up.They had to rush over to Garden House to start getting ready for the day by using washrooms and eating breakfast.They wanted to make sure they got ready to harvest produce from the garden after spending some time playing chess together for some fun.They were also trying to keep themselves occupied while they waited for daybreak.
    They were still playing chess long after the sun had risen and had lost track of the time when they started to notice that it was getting to be later in the day.It was already 9:30 in the morning before they'd begun to notice how late it was and that it was time to move on to harvesting produce from the garden to sell for cash later on that day.They did get moving once they'd noticed how late it was because they both wanted to earn something for their day's work so they could afford to build.
    They got to work on getting produce harvested from the garden areas at Garden House after they stopped playing chess and kept it up for quite a few hours as the day wore on.They both knew the'd have long hours of work in the gardens and they got started later than they'd intended to because of losing track of time while playing chess earlier.They still had tons of work left as they got into the middle of the afternoon and still were only halfway through the harvesting at that point.
    They were both still working their way through the rest of the harvesting as the rest of the afternoon wore on.They were finished with the work by about 5PM and had to get cleaned up and get ready to eat dinner.They used the washroom there and ate dinner before it was 7PM though they wanted to sell the produce at that time.They decided to visit the elixir shop instead and to gather some honey to sell it there.It was already too late to get over to Garden Market in town that night.
     They both got back by 8PM and were getting into their sleeping bags by then after the visit to the elixir shop.


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